LPS Brasil’s shares are registered for trading on the B3 under the code “LPSB3”, admitted to trading on the Novo Mercado, the highest level of differentiated corporate governance practices.
LPS Brasil shares guarantee their holders the following rights: right to vote at the company’s general meetings, with each share corresponding to one vote; right to the minimum mandatory dividend, in each fiscal year, not less than 25% of the net income for the respective fiscal year, adjusted pursuant to article 202 of the Brazilian Corporate Law; in the event of sale, direct or indirect, for consideration, of the control of LPS Brasil, even if through successive operations, right to sell its shares in OPA to be carried out by the acquirer of control, under the conditions and within the terms set forth in the legislation in force and in the Novo Mercado Regulations, in order to ensure equal treatment to the transferor of control; in the event of cancellation of the Company’s registration as a publicly-held company or cancellation of the Company’s listing on B3’s Novo Mercado, the right to sell its shares in an OPA to be carried out by the controlling shareholder or by the Company for, at least, their respective economic value determined through the preparation of an appraisal report by a specialized and independent company from LPS Brasil, its managers and controllers, as well as their decision-making power, with proven experience and chosen by the general meeting of shareholders holding outstanding shares from a triple list presented by the Company’s Board of Directors, pursuant to the Novo Mercado regulations; all other rights granted to LPS Brasil shares under the terms of the Brazilian Corporate Law, the Novo Mercado Regulations and the Company’s Bylaws.
All LPS Brasil’ material facts, earnings results and other notices to the market are published simultaneously at CVM/B3 and at the investor relations area of the Company’s website (www.lopes.com.br). Complete financial statements are published annually on the newspapers “O Estado de São Paulo” and “Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo”. Quarterly financial statements, press releases, presentations, material facts and notices to shareholders are available in the investor relations area of LPS Brasil’ website (www.lopes.com.br). Other information about the Company also may be obtained on the website of São Paulo Stock Exchange (www.BMFBOVESPA.com.br) and at the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil – CVM (www.cvm.gov.br).
Before looking for a Stock Broker, it is suggested that you study the subject. Contributing to beginners’ learning, B3 created a Basic Course on the Stock Market. There are three distinct modules, which also bring exercises for you to test your knowledge.
- Basic Course “Stock Market”
- Basic Course “Sight Market”
- Basic Course “Options Market”
After that, the next step is for you to look for a Stockbroker. Brokers and other financial intermediaries have professionals dedicated to market, sector and company analysis, and with them you can find out about the right time to buy and sell certain shares to obtain better results.
You can also trade stocks via the Internet. To do so, you must be a customer of a BM&FBOVESPA Brokerage that has the Home Broker system, which allows you to trade shares via the Internet.
Banco Bradesco S.A.
Av. Yara, s/n
06029-900 – Osasco – SP
e-mail: 4010.acecustodia@bradesco.com.br
LPS Brasil Consultoria de Imóveis S.A.
Rua Estados Unidos, nº 1971
São Paulo – SP
CEP: 01427-002
Phone: (5511) 3067-0520/0691
E-mail: ri@lopes.com.br (only for investors and analysts)
Other questions/comments/suppliers/customers/surveys: call (11) 3067-0064 or send us an e-mail: ouvidoria@lopes.com.br. You can also send us a request via the “Fale Conosco form”, in the “Fale Conosco” section on the website https://www.lopes.com.br/.
Adjusted EBITDA consists of net income before minority interest, income tax and social contribution, net financial result (financial income and expenses), depreciation, amortization and non-operating result. Adjusted EBITDA is used as a performance measure by the Company’s management and is not a measure adopted by Brazilian or American Accounting Practices, does not represent cash flow for the periods presented and should not be considered as a substitute for net income, as an indicator of LPS Brasil’s operating performance or as a substitute for cash flow, nor as an indicator of liquidity. LPS Brasil’s management believes that Adjusted EBITDA is a practical measure to gauge its operating performance and allow comparison with other companies in the same segment.